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Year Four

Welcome to Year 4

Hello from the Year 4 Team!

Mrs J Long Photograph
Mrs J Long (Class 9)
Mrs H Bower Photograph
Mrs H Bower (Class 9)
Mrs C Crask Photograph
Mrs C Crask (Class 10)

awaiting-image-1 – Kcil

Miss A Rand (Class 10)

Welcome to Year 4

Hello and welcome to Year 4, Classes 9 and 10. In Year 4, the class teachers are Mrs Long and Mrs Bower (Class 9) and Mrs Crask and Miss Rand (Class 10).  Mrs Leat and Mrs Harrop cover Year 4 on Monday afternoons.  In both classes, we also have a number of Teaching Assistants who will be supporting our learning each week in the mornings and afternoons. 

In Term 1, our topic is 'I am Warrior' where we will be exploring the Romans. Term 2 is about 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', the well-known story written by C.S. Lewis. Later terms include 'Road Trip USA', 'Traders & Raiders' and 'Blue Abyss' so there will be plenty of exciting learning ahead of us. To find out more on any of these topics, please click on the numbered term sections on this page which will be updated as we progress through the school year. 

To help us celebrate our learning, we hold a success event three times a year when parents/carers can come into school to share in what we have learnt. We are also proud to present our Middle Years performance in Term 5. Information on this will follow later in the year. 

In class, we continue to nurture our values that we developed in Year 3 in striving to be our very best. We celebrate our achievements in a collaborative, supportive way and show kindness to others. Our school values which are to navigate, inspire, challenge and succeed are at the heart of what we do. 

If you have any questions or queries, please do ask any of the team. 

Best wishes,

The Year 4 Team

General Reminders

  • PE for Class 9 and 10 is every Thursday morning. The children need to come into school in their PE kit. Please ensure your child has warm clothing for the winter months and always has a water bottle. 
  • Topic related homework is set termly and Times Tables Rockstar sessions are set every Friday to be completed by the end of the following week. The children are invited to learn their choice of 5 spelling words at home using the strategies in their homework book to help them. Dojo points are awarded for completed homework which are collected for a whole class treat. Topic homework will be celebrated at the end of each term where certificates are presented. 
  • It is expected that children read their reading books at home 5 x times per week.
  • Water bottles: please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school at all times. 
  • Your child's uniform must be clearly named/labelled.
  • Children need to bring in their own healthy snack/piece of fruit for morning break each day.

Year 4 Multiplication Checks

In Spring 2025, Year 4 pupils will take part in Multiplication Checks.  This is a national online assessment taken by Year 4 pupils across the country.  For more information regarding the checks, please feel free to read the guidance attached below.  This will be updated in Spring 2025. 

Here are some helpful websites to support your child in learning their times tables: 

Year 4 Learning Cards 

Year 4 Reading Learning Card

Year 4 Writing Learning Card

Year 4 Maths Learning Card

Year 4 Knowledge Mats 

Year 4 Knowledge Mat

Year 4 Homework Grids 

Year 4 Term 1 Homework Grid 

Year 4 Parent Meeting & Planning Letter Sept. 2024

Year 4 Planning Letter

Spelling Lists and Spelling Strategies to Support at Home 

Spelling Strategies

Year 3 and 4 Spelling List

Year 1 and 2 Spelling List

Useful Website Links

Purple Mash

Please see your child's homework book for their login.

BBC Bitesize

Use BBC Bitesize to help you with your homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step by step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject. 

Year 4 Swimming Meeting 

Year 4 Swimming Meeting 10.01.25