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Year Six

Welcome to Year 6 

Welcome back!

Click on the sections to find out more about each Term's learning.

Hello from the Year 6 Team!

The Year 6 team enjoying the beach at Kilvrough!

In Year 6, the class teachers are Mrs Logan (class 13) and Mrs Wilcox (class 14). We're lucky enough to have Mrs Leat teaching us music every Thursday afternoon and Mrs Harrop, Mrs Anderson, Miss Galsworthy, Mrs Dorgan and Mrs O'Dea also supporting us in our learning. 

As a year, we aim to be kind, enthusiastic and creative while being inquisitive about the world around us thinking about our school vision of navigate, inspire, challenge and succeed. We are all unique, with a huge range of individual skills, but we work hard together to be the very best team that we can be. There are so many experiences for us to have this year and we are looking forward to an exciting final year at primary school!

General Reminders

  • PE is every Monday afternoon. The children should continue to come to school in their PE kit on their specified day. 
  • Homework is set weekly on a Friday to be due back in the following Wednesday unless specified. All homework is both handed out and set on Teams. We would like to encourage you to upload your child's work to Teams to get used to using an online system in preparation for secondary school.
  • Water bottles - please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.
  • Children in year 6 are allowed to bring their phones to school but they must be handed in to a member of staff at the start of the school day.
  • Year 6 are able to use the "Disco door" by the year 6 classrooms to arrive and leave school. If you would like your child to walk home by themselves, please give permission via the school office.

Year 6 Learning Cards

Year 6 Welcome Meeting

SATs information

What Do the Tests Comprise?


The KS2 maths test consists of three papers – one arithmetic paper which lasts 30 minutes and two reasoning papers, each lasting 40 minutes. The arithmetic paper will test your child’s understanding of number and mental and written calculation skills. Some of the questions will require your child to know a range of number facts (such as times tables facts) and others will test their knowledge of formal written methods of calculation such as short division.

The questions in the reasoning papers challenge your child to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve problems in context, such as purchasing things in a shop, scaling recipes or calculating area and perimeter for tiling a floor. These test papers cover a much broader range of maths, including geometry and statistics, while still using number knowledge and arithmetic.


During the reading test, your child will usually be given three different texts to read, which will be a mixture of fiction and non-fiction writing including poetry. The questions will test a range of your child’s reading skills such as comprehension and inference. They range from multiple choice answers to longer written responses. In school, your child will do many practice tests so that they become familiar with answering the different types of questions within the time limit.

SPaG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar)

The SPaG paper consists of two parts: a punctuation and grammar test and a spelling test. In the grammar and punctuation test, your child will have to answer a range of questions which will test their understanding of grammatical terms, such as relative pronouns and conjunctions, their use of punctuation such as inverted commas for direct speech and their knowledge of language used in context. Like the reading tests, there is a variety of types of question, including multiple choice, matching answers, completing a sentence and writing a short explanation. Some questions may ask your child to insert punctuation correctly into a sentence (with the punctuation formed correctly) or underline part of a sentence such as a subordinate clause.

The spelling test requires children to spell twenty words in context by writing them in a sentence. In the answer booklet, your children will have all twenty sentences with a space for them to write the target spelling word. After each sentence is read aloud, your child will have time to write the word in before the next sentence is read. It is important that their writing is neat and clear for the examiners to mark.


  • Monday 13th May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling)
  • Tuesday 14th May: English reading paper
  • Wednesday 15th May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
  • Thursday 16th May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)

Spelling lists and word banks for support with spelling activities and writing tasks

Useful Website Links


Please see your child's homework book for their login.


A platform for your child to practise their times tables through a series of fun games.

BBC Bitesize


Use BBC Bitesize to help with your homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.


Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.