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Year Five

Welcome to Year 5 

In year 5, the class teachers are Miss Earl (class 11) and Miss Dolman (Class 12). Mrs Leat comes to see us every Tuesday afternoon to teach us music along with Mrs Harrop who teaches us French. We are also lucky enough to have Mrs Fosdike, Mrs Collins, Mrs Godliman and Mrs Milne working alongside us to support our learning. 

Hello from the Year 5 Team!

Miss T Earl Class 11 Teacher
Miss F Shackell Class 12 Teacher

 General Reminders

  • In Year 5, we get to have swimming lessons. Class 11 will start with swimming on Friday mornings while Class 12 have PE on Thursday afternoons. 
  • Homework is set weekly on a Friday to be due back in the following Wednesday unless specified. All homework is both handed out and set on Teams. We would like to encourage you to upload your child's work to Teams but there is an option of bringing their homework book into school if needed.
  • Water bottles - please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.

Year 5 Welcome Meeting

Year 5 Learning Cards

Useful website links

Spelling Shed:


Please see your child's homework book for their login.


A platform for your child to practise their times tables through a series of fun games.

BBC Bitesize


Use BBC Bitesize to help with your homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.


Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.